Customized Hypnotherapy Track
Service Description
Imagine having your own MP3 Hypnosis Track customized for you. During your one hour session: -What are your goals? -You can work on 3 goals maximum for your Hypnosis Track. -Would you like to sleep or wake up after your track? -Time is spent on going over unconscious, conscious block -Preferences on music, waves or just audio. -2 weeks from your appointment, you will receive your MP3 Hypnosis Track. Psychotherapy study by Alfred A. Barrios PhD., Published in American Health Magazine: 93% effectiveness in Hypnotherapy - approx 6 sessions 72% effectiveness in Behavior Therapy - approx 22 sessions 38% effectiveness in Psychoanalysis - approx 600 sessions Note: All treatments work in conjunction with the medical industry. Topics: Relationships: Workplace, Friends, Family Habits, Addictions, Phobias, Trauma, Anxiety Migraine, Pain, Disease, Cancer, Immune System Depression, Focus, Mental Health, Anger, Jealousy Reach Goals, Relaxation, Self Confidence, Digestive, Other Book a Free Consultation under Services for more info.